WPL: saving the planet with Bio-based Performance Bicycle Maintenance products.

By: Pro Tour Cycling

Teflon is arguably one of the worst substances that you can put into the environment, and a single drop of teflon left in the forest can be found in trees 30, 40 or even 1000 years later. Yet, the majority of chain lube products on the market are made with Teflon, a PTFE that provides added lubrication to the formula at the expense of the environment. For the environmentally conscious cyclist who enjoys spending time outdoors, it can seem counter-intuitive that they would pollute the environment in the process.

5 Years ago, WPL BIKE (Whistler Performance Lubricants) decided that it was time to change the game, and make a completely Bio-Based collection of bicycle maintenance products. The result of this effort is a suite of performance based lubricants and cleaning products that are truly tremendous works of science, developed by a team of researchers led by world renowned bio-materials expert Alejandro Marangoni. The team spent years developing and testing formulas, using feedback from high level industry mechanics, to turn this concept into a reality.

Today WPL is distributed around the globe, and is saving hundreds of thousands of gallons of PTFE’s, petro oils and other harmful chemicals from being used on bicycles! While there are still several big manufactures using the traditional solutions to produce their bikes, a select few of industry-leading companies are transitioning their OEM oil choices to WPL products, which is forecasted to cause a trend across the entire industry to shift to using bio-Based products, a movement the impact on the planet could be significant.

Check out all of the WPL Bike Products HERE!

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